Come and be a Part Of Something That will Become a Part of You!
An IMPACT trip is a powerful way for you to experience what M:180 is doing in Kenya.
We want you to come. We have created a way for you to do so. Use your vacation time to make a difference in the world while at the same time having your world changed forever, or come as part of a church team, a workplace team, maybe a youth group. We want to encourage individuals to come and work with us as well. Once you have expressed an interest in volunteering with us we will help you with all of the details from start to finish. Our experience with overseas cross cultural work, combined with our contacts and partnerships with organizations in Kenya, insure you will have an incredible, life altering experience. At the same time, you will be helping Mission:180 make a difference, one life at a time.
You are welcome to come on your own, for anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months, as part of an internship program, or to spend some time discovering new talents and pushing yourself to new heights, while being stretched outside of your comfort zone. Perhaps you just feel like you have been so blessed, and you want to give back while doing some real good, M:180 IMPACT has a place for you!
Looking for a new way to spend the family Vacation? Are you ready to have the adventure of a lifetime while improving the lifetime of those in desperate need, M:180 Impact has “voluntourism” packages suited to the special needs of families like yours!
Whether a church team, a youth group, a business team looking to grow together while making a difference, Mission:180 Impact has the trip for your group. We will tailor your time in Kenya to the specific talents, desires, and dreams of your group.
From traditional church related ministry, to building projects, medical care or maybe you just want to come and work alongside some Kenyan friends as we care for little ones orphaned by the Aids Pandemic. Whatever you have in your heart to do, we have the connections and networks to help make this a reality.
One of the most significant and beautiful things about an IMPACT trip is that everyone benefits, everyone is IMPACTED in a way that creates meaningful, permanent change.
Under the “Photos” tab in the menu there are groups of pictures from previous Impact trips. Have a look at what you can be a part of, but understand this, what you experience on an IMPACT trip isn’t only something you are a part of, its also something that becomes a part of you!