This picture was taken this month, but we have already added 3 more little ones since it was taken. |
Our last newsletter is dated May 7. Sorry for the long pause! A lot has transpired since then. We had 16 children in our care on May 7 but today, we have 23! In fact just yesterday we took in a little girl, 2 weeks of age whom we named Karyn, and a little boy aged 2, whom we named Timothy. The Mission:180 family is growing! We have waiting for the details to be settled before they can come join the family as well. Before we know it 2 our 4 homes will be full to capacity!
Recent Guests:
In other news, we had a great team of young people from Mountain Christian School in Dawson Creek BC here in May. They proved to be a great group of young people. Hard workers, great attitude, and a lot of fun. Joshua loved having them around. They were led by their awesome principle, and my very own Mother and Father. What a treat to have them here. They returned to Canada and promptly raised the funds for a new play structure. In the next 7-10 days we will have an awesome playground with swings, and 6 different slides. Stay tuned for pictures coming soon!
Douglas, Samuel, Maggie and Margaret all got“big kid” beds! They are very excited and they love their new rooms! |
House 3 Grand Opening!!!
Maggie, Margaret and Augustine’s room! |
With our growth comes stretching! We have moved 5 of our oldest children into house three. They are very excited, as this also included new “big kid” beds.
They feel very important and grown up! Last week we marked this big event with a two night trip to Uncle Jason, Auntie
Jennifer and Uncle Josh’s house in Nairobi. Special food, an outing to the animal orphanage, and a play-date at Rosslyn Academy to make use of the swings and play structures made it a very fun event indeed! However, bringing 5 little people home for 2 nights was a lot of work but it was worth it! Every smile, every giggle, it just makes all the work worth while!
We have recently moved these 5 into house 3. From left to right,Samuel, Maggie, Margaret, Augustine and Douglas. Growth is good! |
Now for some pictures of our newest family members! Please know we are so grateful for your support. Please take ownership of this success. We can’t do what we do, unless you do what you do. And again, please consider coming for a visit! We would love for you to see first hand what your generosity is achieving!!
These precious babies all come to us with their own heartbreaking stories. Their circumstances are difficult to hear. We are just so happy that we have been chosen to help them make it in this life. What a blessing it is to serve these precious little people. This is true religion. To care of them in their distress, to lift them out of those extreme circumstances and give them all the love we can, with the help of our very talented and loving staff, this is what Jesus meant when he said, “when you do it for one of the least of these, you are doing it to me”. These babies are now receiving a high level of care and love thanks to your generosity, your love.
Meet Milcah. She came to us July 16. She is one of the newest members of our growing family! She is 6 months old. The markings on her face are traditional Masai markings, they are considered very beautiful and symbolize strength in the Masai culture. Don’t those eyes just steal your heart!
Bahatti, (that’s Swahili for Lucky) |
Daniella |
Joseph. |
Frank. |
Karyn |
Timothy |
Baby Sponsors Needed:
This brings me to my next item: HELP!!! We have 36 sponsorship slots available. Each child has 4 sponsorship slots of $40.00. To fully sponsor a child is $160.00 per month.
We have had to hire house aunties to keep up with the influx of children. So basically we have more expense each month than we do pledged giving. We would really like to see this even out. We need people to sponsor a baby, a crib, an auntie, or just sign up to give monthly to our general budget. We need help. If you are not already a part of Mission:180’s monthly financial partners, please consider signing up. Every dollar counts!
Can You Make a Special Donation?
If you are able to make a one time contribution, please consider doing so. The general budget fund is getting uncomfortably low. We need to see some significant income to keep us moving and able to keep helping these little people.